Thursday, October 28, 2010

For Kim and her Welshman

One year and a month ago my very dear friend Kim got married to a handsome Welshman. They finally shut the door to long distance dating and were married at Orton Plantation right outside of Wilmington, NC on September 13, 2009. A gorgeous wedding for two gorgeous people.

Kim and I grew up together, went to Sunday school, youth trips, high school and college together. In 5th grade it was hilarious getting in trouble together and at twenty-five years old it was heart warming being her bridesmaid on her wedding day.

When it came time to buy a wedding gift for the newlyweds, I knew painting a custom painting for their new home was what I wanted to do... a cutting board, new sheets, towels or a blender just wasn't quite right to represent our friendship.

Kim and the handsome Welshman had to wait months and months for its completion (you can't rush great art... right?) and then one happy day I delivered it myself to their home in Raleigh, NC. 

24x36 Acrylic on Canvas
Location: Kim + Lewis' Home,  Raleigh, NC

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Forgotten Paintings

I am currently rebuilding my website It hasn't been updated since 2006... sad, I know. I've been busy working for other companies and updating their websites. So now I am taking the time to rebuild and update mine. It should launch in the next few weeks. Many paintings have been painted since 2006 and there are some that never made it on the website... here is the first batch I wanted to share with you.

A few years ago, Wilmington Plastic Surgery commissioned me to do a series of six paintings for their waiting room areas in the Oleander Dr. office. The painting's colors were picked to match the office's interior look and feel. So if you have any Botox done or plastic surgery you will be greeted by my paintings on your way in! These are some of my absolute favorite!

 18x24 Acrylic + Mixed Media
Location: Wilmington Plastic Surgery, Wilmington, NC

 Acrylic + Mixed Media
Location: Wilmington Plastic Surgery, Wilmington, NC

Series of Three
3'x3' Acrylic on Canvas
Location: Wilmington Plastic Surgery, Wilmington, NC

Well, hello there friends!

Well, hello there friends... I'm Abi! Here I am typing my very first post to my very own personal blog.  I’ve never blogged before but I felt it was the perfect time to start.  I have been inspired by other people’s blogs and I hope to inspire you with mine.  Main Goal: to grow, share, love and encourage others through art, design, photography and everyday life.  This should be fun y'all. God loves you!